Picture Day is on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Each grade will be scheduled 15 min to take their picture. Please order online on the Lifetouch website. You can ind the website on the Lifetouch picture day flier that was sent home. (P.S. 54 is not responsible for the orders) If you cannot purchase online please send your envelope sealed with the exact amount of your order on Wednesday, November 1.
The school/Teacher will not accept money before or after the date. Any money that is sent before will be returned to you so your child can give the money to LifeTouch the day of picture day and any money sent after will be sent back to you, no order can be placed after this date.
P.S. 54 cannot give out change nor can Lifetouch.
Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Young at 718-584-4203 ext. 1062.